
Peer-to-Peer lending: A beginner’s guide

In Advice, Financial, Fresh on December 2, 2016 at 11:18 AM

Today, when you have money left over after paying your bills, you invest in big and distant corporations. You don’t even think about it. The government incentivizes you to save for your future through RSPs and TSFAs. You invest in stocks, bonds or mutual funds. Basically, all of our money goes to the financial markets. The financial system has been designed to funnel our our collective savings in that direction. As different as you might try to be, we all own a slice of the financial markets at large. Alternatively, you could start your own business or purchase an investment property, but this is a lot of risk, costs more in legal fees and taxes, and most importantly, it may entail work that you don’t have time for. So you invest in passive financial instruments. And until now, passive financial instruments basically meant big corporations. 2016 marks the year where we, individual Canadians, can re-channel some of those investments from large and distant corporations to local small businesses.

The Colour of Nothing

In Culture, Personal, Uncategorized on February 29, 2016 at 10:44 AM

Montreal’s Carte Blanche magazine printed a story of mine. Enjoy!

Closing the Loop – Part II

In Criticism, Financial, Politics on March 12, 2015 at 6:16 PM

Corporate tax loopholes and how we should close them. This is the second part in a series. Thanks to the Little Red Umbrella for continuing to host my articles. You can find part II here.